Sunday, October 21, 2007


Recently, I was talking with a coworker about the 1980s and my memories were fired up. The subject of old discount department stores sparked the conversation. I recalled a store called Fed-Mart, and remembered my parents shopping at the North Long Beach and South Gate stores. I remembered buying hiking boots, a ski cap, and a ski jacket for a senior snow trip to Big Bear Lakes. Well, in 1982, FedMart closed their doors and Target Stores took over most of their locations.

Gemco was another discount chain owned by Lucky Stores, the place where I bought my first computer, a Commodore 64. My coworker stated that she received the same computer, then realized that she just go the CPU without the tape drive or the 5 ¼ disk drive. I told her that I was lucky that my sister, the year previous had bought the older Commodore VIC20, a tape drive and an Epson printer. We were proud of our computers as the conversation flourished. Another co-worker joined the conversation, and when she found out the topic of conversation, she exclaimed with a loud voice, “ MY GRANDFATHER HAD ONE OF THOSE!”

Boy, that just made our day… Young punks…

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